8 ways to earn money from blog

A blog is a very powerful medium to express and share knowledge, and experiences with the digital world. What would you think if I say you can make money from your blog? How to make money from a blog? Here I would share 8 ways to earn money from a blog.

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Interesting isn’t it, make money from blogs and create a new income source from this. Monetization is possible for blogs in many different ways. The digital world is growing and expanding day by day, so we all need to upgrade our knowledge to earn money in this growing digital world.

Today many Indians have started learning about blogging and earning a decent income from it. There are various sources to earn income from blogs which are as follows:

Blog Earning from Ads

Bloggers can earn by monetizing their blogs by showing ads from Google Adsense, Facebook ads, Taboola Ads, and other advertising resources. We need to create blogs and make sure we follow the policies in order to qualify for their approval. Once we get approval we can show their ads on our blog and start earning.

Guest Posts

Bloggers develop skills in copywriting and this can help them to earn money. Copywriters are always in very high demand in the corporate world. They can charge as per the number of words they write on their posts. This is an upcoming skill that is booming and many freelancers are earning a decent income from it.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing in simple words means selling other company products on your website. Reviewing, comparing, selling the product, and earning commission from those sales. Here the catch is the commission which can be recurring or a one-time commission.

Selling Ebooks

Create and sell ebooks, this is the best way to earn money as ebooks are digital products so supply never stops, one time to create and earning goes endless. Many bloggers create their income sources based on this. Creating ebooks is easy these days with the latest tools like Canva. After its creation sells them on websites like gumroad.

Sell Digital Courses

During the course of pandemic many of the education centers shifted to online platforms from offline. This gave rise to digital courses and many content creators could create great income sources from it. Digital courses can be created on various topics and sold via websites like Udemy

Graphic Designing Services

Bloggers always need images for their content and for this either they hire graphic designers or use tools like Canva to create images. So if we learn to create images, then we can master the skill and make money from it. Many of freelancing sites have requirements for graphic designers and they can make money by taking orders from these websites like Fiverr

Services to Create blogs

Blogger who knows to create new landing pages and posts for their own site can also create websites for other bloggers as well. Once you know how to create a website you can monetize it. You can provide the service of creating blogs on websites like Fiverr. For this, you need to learn about various CMS platforms like WordPress and Blogger.

Seo Services

Blogs do require SEO for better rankings. Seo helps to improve the keyword and position of the website on the search result. Many of the Seo experts make money using this skill and even companies pay a heavy amount for this. Even on freelancing they can earn a good income so always learn and master new skills.

Using the above ways you can earn money from blogs. Also, remember blogging is not a rich quick scheme it requires patience and practice. It’s like a keep-moving business where only the person who has patience and curiosity to learn can be successful. Here at every moment it’s a process of self-learning and implementing it.

So always learn new skills, master them and share them with your friends. This will help the community to grow and upskill themselves. Stay tuned with Gyaan Fiesta for more such interesting articles stay curious and keep learning.

Also, read
What is a blog? | How to start a blog?

How to promote business on social media websites?

By admin

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